On-Page SEO

Regional Keywords

Shahid Maqbool

By Shahid Maqbool
On Apr 27, 2023

Regional Keywords

What are regional keywords?

These are the search terms or keywords that specifically indicate a geographical location. Usually, they are a combination of a keyword and a particular location.

For instance, regional keywords can be "best burger in Mexico" or "affordable hotels in New York City".

These keywords contain location and can help search engines provide the most relevant results according to the area you specified.

Why are regional keywords important?

They are important because they increase the visibility of a website in search results.

They can be helpful when you provide information about the business operated in a certain area to promote it and make local traffic attract towards it.

Search engines give preference to the sites that are well-optimised for relevant regional keywords.

Therefore, using regional keywords can improve your business's visibility and engagement by making it popular among local customers.

This way, you can attract traffic as well as enhance the chances of getting leads and increasing sales.

Types of regional keywords

Businesses can use many types of regional keywords to target specific geographic regions. These include:

  1. City-specific keywords: These are the regional keywords that include the name of the city for example, "San Francisco shopping centres" or New York City hotels". These keywords suit those businesses which operate in a specific city.

  2. State-specific keywords: These are the keywords that contain the name of a specific state for example, "Florida beaches" or "Dubai real estate". If your business operates in a specific state, these keywords can increase your reach.

  3. Country-specific keywords: These keywords contain the name of the country, for example, "restaurants in Australia" or "French beaches". Those who operate their business in a country can take advantage of these keywords.

Is there a difference between regional keywords and local queries?

Regional keywords and local queries are different in their scope and search intent.

Businesses use regional keywords to target the audience of a particular geographical area while users use local queries to find information, products, or services within the area they are present in.

The similarity between both is that both of them can attract local traffic to the website of the corresponding business.

Websites can take advantage of regional keywords by using them effectively in their marketing effort and bring more visitors to these websites.

Likewise, website owners can optimize their content for local queries and attract local traffic.

How to effectively use regional keywords in your SEO strategy?

Here are some tips to effectively use regional keywords in your SEO strategy:

Conduct keyword research 

To optimise for regional keywords, the most crucial step is to do keyword research which you can do by using tools that help identify the most relevant regional keywords.

These tools will give you search volume, competition of keywords, and the relevance of each helping you make better decisions about their usage.

Include regional keywords in your content 

Regional keywords must be wisely incorporated and naturally distributed in your content instead of overusing them which may give an impression of keyword stuffing.

The main parts of the content where they must be used are page titles, meta descriptions, headers, and body text.

Use local business directories 

You should use local business directories that contain the listings of local businesses. Add the required information about your business alongside regional keywords to make your business known.

Google My Business listing 

Google My Business is another important place for your business listings where you can include the name of your business, accurate address, phone number, and regional keywords.

Monitor and adjust your strategy 

You must monitor the performance of your regional keywords and make adjustments from time to time.


Regional keywords are crucial to businesses that are more focused on attracting local traffic.

Effectively using regional keywords makes you reach a wider audience, increases visibility, attracts more customers, and gives you a competitive edge over others in your area.

The only thing you have to be careful about is their moderate and relevant usage to avoid keyword stuffing.

If you carefully monitor and adjust your SEO strategy for regional keywords, you can get the desired results.

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