Terms and Conditions

Shahid Maqbool

By Shahid Maqbool
On Apr 19, 2023

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to our website. Please take some time to carefully read through our terms and conditions. Following these rules is required while using our website, products, or services.

The purpose of these terms and conditions is to inform you about all the guidelines, rights, and obligations that you must follow when using our products, services, tools, or website.

We can change or update these rules at any time without notifying you first. Because of this, you should frequently check back here in case new rules have been added. If you continue using our services after changes are made, it means you agree to the new updated rules. Read through everything carefully to avoid any issues or problems later.

Thank you for choosing to use the products and services we offer. At SEODebate, keeping your personal information completely private and secure is extremely important to us. That is why we have very strict security rules and guidelines in place to protect data. Please understand that our website is only intended to provide information and education. We are not responsible if you experience any losses, or injuries or get hurt in any way from visiting our website.

The products and services on our website and app do not come with any guarantees, warranties or promises about their performance or quality. We make no warranties about how well they will work. If you do not want to risk any potential damages, harm or negative consequences of any kind, then you should not use our website and app.

Using our Services

When you use the services and access the content on SEODebate, it does not mean you now own any of the intellectual property rights.

All of the text, images, videos and other content that you see on SEODebate's website and services belongs to and is owned by SEODebate itself. We hold the intellectual property rights and ownership over everything.

You do not have permission or rights to copy, share or distribute any of the content from SEODebate. Only SEODebate has the authority to share, publish or allow others to access the content.

Our Service Description

As for our service description - SEODebate provides many different SEO tools, services, and resources. Some examples are a Meta Tag Length Counter, FAQ Page, JSON-LD Schema Generator, Disavow File Generator, and Toxic Backlink Checker.

In addition to the SEO tools and resources themselves, the service may also include announcements about changes or updates we make to the service. It can also include notifications when we release new features, as well as administrative messages from SEODebate to our users. All of these extra items like updates, notifications and messages are included as part of the free service when you register for an account on SEODebate.

If we decide to add any new tools or features to the service in the future, those new additions will be covered and allowed under this same legal agreement that you accepted. Unless we specifically state otherwise, either within the agreement document itself or in any other linked publications, the terms of this agreement apply to both current and future new features of the service.

Registration Requirement

To create an account and use the services offered by SEODebate, you must meet a certain minimum age requirement. By continuing the registration process, you agree to the following rules:

  • You must fill out the SEODebate registration form completely and provide truthful and accurate information about yourself. This includes details like your name, age, contact information etc.

  • You have a responsibility to make sure the personal information you provide to SEODebate stays current and updated. If any of the information you gave is found to be false, inaccurate, or incomplete, we reserve the right to immediately suspend or permanently terminate your account.

In other words, when signing up you must enter your real personal details and information. And you must keep that information correct and up-to-date. If we discover that you provided false information or left out important details, we can disable or delete your account right away without warning.

No Service Resale or Redistribution

Users are not permitted to copy, sell, or make money from any part of the SEODebate website without first getting explicit permission from us.

If you do not agree with these terms, or if we find out that you are not following these rules, then SEODebate has the right to terminate your account immediately. We can also refuse to provide any of our services to you in the future.

Account Access

When you are creating a new account, you must complete the entire registration process. This includes providing a real and valid email address, as well as any other personal information that is requested from you. Giving false or fake information is not allowed.

You are fully responsible for keeping your account login details, such as your username and password, completely private and secret. This means you should never share this sensitive information with anyone else, not even friends or family members. If you choose to give your account login to other people, you are doing so at your own risk.

If you fail to properly follow all of the terms, conditions, and rules outlined in this agreement with SEODebate, we will not be liable or responsible if you experience any losses, damages, harm, or negative consequences as a result. Following and obeying the rules in this agreement is your responsibility alone.

​Email Newsletter

By registering for an account on SEODebate, you are giving your consent to receive email updates from us. These emails may include:

  • Information about new tools or features we have added to the service

  • Helpful tips on how to better use the different tools and capabilities on SEODebate

  • Important messages regarding changes to the system or other announcements

If at any point you decide you no longer wish to receive these email updates from SEODebate, you can easily stop them. To unsubscribe from our emails:

  • Look for the "unsubscribe" link at the bottom of any email you receive from us

  • Click on that "unsubscribe" link

  • This will remove you from our email distribution list

Unauthorized Uses

You agree that you will not misuse or improperly use the SEODebate Service in any harmful or bad way. This includes trying to access it through automated tools or programs or trying to study and recreate the service through reverse engineering techniques.

Any attempts to access SEODebate's website, servers, or databases in an unnatural, improper, or unauthorized manner are strictly prohibited. If you try to access SEODebate's systems in these unintended ways, your access privileges will be completely revoked and taken away.  

Blocking IP Addresses

SEODebate has the right to stop registrants and members from accessing the website if we notice unusual behaviour coming from their IP address.

Service Modification

We are constantly working to improve and enhance our services. Because of this, there may be times when we remove certain features or change how some parts of the service work. If you are not happy with these changes and no longer wish to use our services, you can choose to stop using them, but we will be sad to see you go.

SEODebate reserves the right to modify or discontinue any part of the service at any time, with or without providing advance notice. Any changes or updates to the service will be posted on our website and/or communicated directly to you via methods like email.

You can delete your account and stop using our service at any point if you wish to do so. Additionally, SEODebate may prevent you from continuing to use the service if we determine that you have violated any of the terms and conditions outlined in this agreement.

Even if this agreement is terminated or ends for any reason, all of the terms will remain in effect and still apply. This includes our rights over any content you have previously submitted, as well as your responsibilities regarding covering losses and liability limitations.

Links To Other Websites

We at SEODebate are only responsible for the content and links that exist on our own website. We have no control or authority over the content, links, policies or practices on any other websites besides our own.

So if you click a link or get redirected to another website that is not operated by SEODebate, you need to be very careful. Before visiting or using those external websites, make sure to read and understand their own Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions documents.

We have absolutely no oversight, influence or responsibility for how websites and online services run that are completely separate from our SEODebate website and services. We are not liable or accountable for the ways those external sites operate or for any of their practices, content or activities.

Prohibited Actions

You are fully responsible for all actions and activities that occur while you are using our services. Additionally, you agree that you will not post or share any content that could be considered defamatory (damaging someone's reputation), obscene, highly offensive, or pornographic in nature. We absolutely do not tolerate any attempts at harassment, bullying, or making threats towards others through our website services.

If you reproduce, sell, or attempt to exploit or make money from any of the content from our services for commercial purposes, we will take legal action against you. We will also immediately suspend or terminate your account access.

There are some limitations and restrictions on how you can access and use our services:

  • Do not collect, store, or share any personal information that could identify other users of our services.

  • Automated methods of accessing our services, including but not limited to bots, spiders, scrapers, etc. are strictly prohibited.

  • Do not damage, harm, or interrupt our services or any content available through them in any way.

  • You cannot attempt to gain unauthorized access to our services, computer systems or networks connected to the services.

  • Posting any malicious code, viruses, or other software intended to cause harm is not allowed on our website.

  • Users cannot modify, adapt, take apart, decompile, reverse engineer or try to discover the source code behind our services.

  • Please only make a reasonable, limited number of requests for the same content through our services.

Our Services Liability 

According to SEODebate's policy, we are not responsible or liable to our users or any other parties for any damages, harm, or losses that may occur from using our services. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Losses caused by security breaches or hacking incidents

  • Losses from viruses, malware, or other malicious software

  • Situations where your data is lost, deleted or becomes corrupted

  • Times when our service is down, not working properly, or unavailable for any period

By using SEODebate's services, you agree that to the full extent allowed by law, SEODebate cannot be held responsible for any unexpected losses, damages or harmful events that may happen.

SEODebate's Contact Information

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, you can contact us through our "Contact Us" page. However, please remember that by using this page and sending us a message, you are automatically giving SEODebate the right to use and reproduce any ideas or materials you include in that message in whatever way we want.

If you do not want us to have that right over your ideas and materials, you need to get written permission from SEODebate's board before contacting us. Unless you get that written consent from our board, any non-disclosure agreement cannot protect the data or information you give to us.

Privacy Policy 

If you want to learn more details about the ways we keep your personal information safe and private, please read our Privacy Policy document.

This Privacy Policy describes the types of data we collect, how we use that data, who has access to it, and what security measures we have in place to prevent unauthorized access or misuse of your information.

Reading the Privacy Policy will give you a full understanding of our commitment to safeguarding your privacy and the steps we take to keep your data secure and confidential.

Changes To These Terms

We can change this legal agreement at any time without telling you beforehand. The most current version will always be available on our website. If you continue using our website after we make changes to the agreement, that means you agree to and accept the new, updated version of the agreement.

Because of this, we ask that you regularly check and review this legal agreement to see if any changes have been made. If at any point you disagree with something in the agreement or any changes we have made, we strongly advise you to immediately stop using our website.

Last Updated: 27th May 2024