

Shahid Maqbool

By Shahid Maqbool
On Jul 5, 2023


What is Lemmatization?

Lemmatization refers to converting words into their base form. On the web, it helps search engines better match user searches with relevant content.

For example, search results for "running" also show pages with "run," "runs," "ran," etc. This is because lemmatization changes all these words to the same root term "run." So the search understands the core meaning instead of looking for exact spellings.

Lemmatization also improves text analysis for applications like chatbots, sentiment analysis and recommendations.

By understanding the underlying base terms, these tools can assess meaning more accurately across different word forms.

Overall, lemmatization gives web applications a simplified linguistic dataset. Storage is reduced by eliminating word variants. Efficiency improves since less data needs processing.

However, base words can have multiple meanings depending on context. And some languages are highly complex to lemmatize properly. So limitations exist despite the many benefits.

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