Off-Page SEO

Infographic Submissions

Shahid Maqbool

By Shahid Maqbool
On Jul 3, 2023

Infographic Submissions

What Are Infographic Submissions?

Infographic submissions means sending infographics to websites, apps, or social media sites with the goal of getting more people to see the infographic.

Infographics are a type of image that uses pictures, charts, and minimal text to clearly show information or facts. When people "submit" infographics, they are sending these images to websites, lists of links, or social media sites.

By uploading or posting the infographic in different places online, there's a better chance that people who are interested in the topic will come across it. Then they can easily understand the key information thanks to the simple, eye-catching format.

Types of infographics

There are several types of infographics that serve different purposes and present information in various formats.

Here are some common types of infographics:

Visualized Article

A visualized Article infographic mixes together parts of a written piece along with pictures, graphs, or charts.

It lays out facts and ideas in an organized way, like an article with a headline, multiple paragraphs, and sections. But it also uses simple images next to the words to help people grasp the concepts more easily and make them more interesting.

By combining text explanations with straightforward visuals, this style aims to teach readers about the topic clearly while keeping them engaged with eye-catching designs.


A flowchart infographic uses boxes, circles, and arrows between them to map out a process or the steps in a sequence.


A timeline infographic displays key events, achievements, or history in order of when they happened.

It uses a straight line to represent the passage of time moving forward. Important dates and years can be marked out along this timeline line.

Descriptions and pictures about significant milestones or happenings are then placed next to the corresponding spot on the line.

Comparison Infographic

A comparison Infographic sets two or more things side-by-side to show how they are alike and different.

It can position images, graphs, or other visual snapshots of multiple products, ideas, or concepts next to each other.

By displaying them together, viewers can plainly see at a glance what key features they share or what strengths one has over the other.

Statistical Infographic

A statistical Infographic spotlights facts and figures in eye-catching visual formats.

This style uses simple charts, graphs, or diagrams to display numbers, statistics, patterns, or trends. By presenting the data visually with pictures, shapes, and minimal text, complex data becomes far easier to digest.

Audiences can grasp the meanings or key information behind large figures, percentages, or data points at a quick glance.

Number-based Infographic

A number-based Infographic uses creative presentations of statistics, figures, or data as the main focus.

This style spotlights quantities, rankings, percentages, or measurements as the primary way to convey information. By showcasing the numbers in eye-catching and colourful visuals, it sticks better in the audience's mind and keeps their attention.

Map-based Infographic

Map-based infographics utilize maps as a central component to visualize geographical data, demographic information, or spatial relationships.

They can be effective for displaying regional statistics, distribution patterns, or location-specific data.

How-to Infographic

How-to infographics provide step-by-step instructions or guidance on completing a specific task or process.

They break down complex procedures into easily understandable visuals and concise text.

Interactive Infographic

Interactive infographics enable user engagement and exploration. They often include interactive elements such as clickable areas, animations, or interactive charts, allowing users to interact with and manipulate the content.

Importance of infographic submissions

Infographic submissions are important for several reasons:

Increased visibility

By submitting infographics to various platforms, you can expand their reach and expose them to a larger audience.

This can lead to increased brand awareness and visibility for your website or business.

Enhanced engagement

Infographics are visually appealing and easy to digest, making them highly shareable and engaging.

When people come across your infographic on different platforms, they are more likely to interact with it, share it with others, and engage with your brand.

Backlink generation

When you submit infographics to reputable websites or directories, they often include a link back to your website as the original source.

These backlinks are valuable for SEO purposes as they can improve your website's authority and search engine rankings.

Traffic generation

Infographic submissions can drive traffic to your website. When users come across your infographic and find it valuable, they may click on the accompanying link to visit your website for more information.

This can result in a steady flow of targeted traffic, potentially leading to conversions or other desired actions.

Brand credibility and expertise

Well-designed and informative infographics can establish your brand as an authority in a particular subject or industry.

By sharing valuable insights or data in an easily understandable format, you can enhance your brand's credibility and position yourself as a trusted source of information.

Social media exposure

Infographics are highly shareable on social media platforms. When you submit infographics to relevant channels, they have the potential to go viral and attract a significant amount of attention.

This can significantly increase your social media following, engagement, and reach.

What are the necessary qualities of infographics?

Following are the necessary qualities that your infographics must have.

Clarity and simplicity

Make infographics easy to understand and don't put in too much stuff. Don't use long, complicated words.

State the main ideas simply and show information in a way that is clear and not confusing.

Visual appeal

Make infographics look good by using colours, fonts, pictures, and designs that look nice together. This grabs people's attention.

Use easy-to-read fonts, charts, graphs, and illustrations that look professional. Make sure every part contributes to the overall eye-catching look.

Relevance and accuracy

The information in infographics should be true and relevant, and for this, use real data and facts. Make sure they come from good sources and are current.

Don't use bad data or make things up, what's shown should match the main topic.

Check that statistics, numbers, quotes and other details are reported precisely. Outdated or wrong information confuses people.

Therefore, confirm everything is factual from respectable places before including it. Stick to useful info related to the main message.

Storytelling approach

Good infographics lead viewers through the information like a story. Arrange details in an order that makes sense. Explain things step-by-step from start to finish.

Present facts logically from one point to the next. Think about how you would describe or show the topic to someone unfamiliar with it.

Guide the reader down a clear path that is easy to follow from beginning to end.

Focus on key information

Focus on the most important stuff by deciding the main things you want people to take away. Then make those stand out.

Don't put in minor details and extra bits people don't need. Figure out the 3-5 key messages, facts or conclusions to spotlight.

Correct use of visuals

Choose visuals to make things clear. Infographics use pictures like charts and images a lot. These should help people grasp concepts more than just words.

Use graphs and diagrams to display the data and maps, timelines, and other images that support the facts.


Maintain consistency in the design elements throughout the infographic. Use a consistent colour palette, font styles, and graphic styles to create a cohesive and unified visual presentation.

How to execute infographic submission?

You have to follow the following steps to execute the infographic submission:

Create a high-quality infographic

Start by designing an engaging and visually appealing infographic that effectively communicates your message or data.

Use appropriate colours, fonts, and graphics to make it visually appealing and easy to understand.

Identify relevant platforms

Research and identify platforms that accept infographic submissions and align with your target audience or niche.

These can include websites, blogs, directories, or social media groups related to your infographic's topic.

Review submission guidelines

Visit each platform's website and carefully review their submission guidelines. Pay attention to specific requirements such as image format, size, description length, and any additional information they may need from you.

Prepare your submission materials

Gather the necessary materials for submission, including your infographic file in the required format, a brief and compelling description, and any additional information requested by the platform.

Customize your submission

Tailor your submission to each platform to increase your chances of acceptance. Personalize your message, highlighting why your infographic would be valuable to their audience and how it aligns with their content or theme.

Submit the infographic

Follow the submission instructions provided by each platform. This may involve filling out a submission form, sending an email, or using an online submission tool.

Attach your infographic file, provide the required information, and ensure everything is accurate and complete.

Promote your submission

Once your infographic is submitted, leverage your social media channels and other marketing channels to promote it. Share the submission link and encourage others to view and share it.

Monitor and engage

Keep track of the platforms where you submitted your infographic. Monitor for any comments, shares, or engagements.

Respond to comments or inquiries promptly to encourage further engagement and build relationships with the platform's audience.

Analyze results

Evaluate the performance of your infographic submissions by tracking metrics such as website traffic, backlinks generated, social media engagement, and overall visibility. Use these insights to refine your future submission strategies.


Infographic submissions play a crucial role in increasing the visibility, reach, and engagement of your infographics.

By strategically submitting your infographics to relevant platforms, you can effectively communicate your message, drive traffic to your website, and establish your brand as an authority in your industry.

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