Page Pro Analyzer is another helpful feature of the SEOWallet extension. It gives a particular score to your web pages by identifying SEO issues and strengths.
It not only highlights those issues but also suggests recommendations to solve them.

Just open the web page you want to analyze and go to “Page Pro Analyzer.” Click “Analyze,” and it will start generating the SEO report for you.

Once it’s done, you will see a detailed SEO audit report.

You can see there is one critical issue and seven weaknesses that could hurt the performance of this website. It has highlighted a total of 38 strengths and given an overall score of 94% to this web page.
This is an overall overview of the page we’ve selected. You can do a lot more with that information.
Click on each issue and it will tell you how to fix it.

You can also sort the issues based on their intensity and check all the SEO features in detail, one by one.

Moreover, you can ask a question, report an issue, and export this report for further analysis.