On-Page SEO

Global Volume

Shahid Maqbool

By Shahid Maqbool
On Apr 27, 2023

Global Volume

What is Global Volume?

Global volume means the total number of searches people make globally on search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo for a keyword or phrase each month.

It's used in search engine optimization to measure how popular a keyword is.

For example, a global volume of 10,000 means on average 10,000 searches are made globally for that keyword each month.

So global volume shows how in-demand a particular keyword or topic is around the world. Higher numbers mean it’s searched for more.

Why is Global Volume Important in SEO?

Global volume is an important SEO metric. It helps digital marketers and website owners choose which keywords to focus on.

It shows which search terms are most popular globally. This helps decide which keywords to optimize.

A high global volume for a keyword means more people search for it. So targeting these keywords can drive more website traffic.

But high-volume keywords also have more competition to rank for in search engines.

Low global volume keywords have less competition. So they are easier to rank high. However, they may not bring as much traffic to a website.

How to Use Global Volume in SEO?

To use global volume in SEO, first conduct keyword research to identify the keywords and phrases that your target audience is searching for.

There are several tools available that can help with this, including:

Google's Keyword Planner

  • Sign in to your Google Ads account and go to the Keyword Planner tool.

  • Enter a keyword or phrase that you want to target and select the "Global" option in the "Targeting" section.

  • Review the data for the global monthly search volume, competition level, and suggested bid for your keyword.


  • Enter your target keyword or phrase in the Ahrefs Keyword Explorer tool.

  • Select the "All locations" option in the "Target" dropdown menu to see the global search volume for your keyword.

  • Review the data for the global monthly search volume, keyword difficulty score, and other metrics.


  • Enter your target keyword or phrase in the SEMrush Keyword Magic tool.

  • Select the "Global" option in the "Database" section to see the global search volume for your keyword.

  • Review the data for the global monthly search volume, keyword difficulty score, and other metrics.


  • Enter your target keyword or phrase in the Moz Keyword Explorer tool.

  • Select the "Global" option in the "Location" section to see the global search volume for your keyword.

  • Review the data for the global monthly search volume, difficulty score, and other metrics.

Using keyword research tools shows how popular search terms are and how hard they are to rank for.

This helps choose the right keywords to focus on. Once you know the best keywords, you can use them when writing content.


The global volume shows the most searched keywords and phrases worldwide each month. This SEO metric helps website owners and marketers know what search terms are popular with their target audience.

Checking the global volume for different keywords can help optimize website content. This can improve search engine ranking, drive more visitor traffic, and boost revenue.

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