Aarohi Kapoor

Apr 17, 2024

How do you start to make money online as a freelancer?

Shahid Maqbool

Answered on Apr 17, 2024

Getting started as a freelancer to make money online does take some upfront effort, but here are the steps I'd recommend:

First, identify what specific skills or services you can offer as a freelancer. Common options are writing, programming, design, consulting, and more. Make a list of the talents you can market.

Next, build up a portfolio to showcase your skills and the type of work you can deliver for clients. Having quality samples and case studies is crucial when first starting out.

Then, create profiles on popular freelance marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, and others. Build out complete profiles highlighting your skills, and experience, and include your best portfolio pieces.

Once set up on those sites, you'll want to actively bid on projects and jobs that fit your skill set. Write customized, thoughtful proposals when applying to clients.

When starting out, set competitive rates for your services based on research of typical rate ranges in your field. You may need to go lower initially just to get experience and reviews.

For any jobs you do get hired for, be sure to communicate consistently, meet deadlines, and deliver high-quality work. This is how you start building positive client reviews and a reputation.

Additionally, create your own basic portfolio website and leverage platforms like LinkedIn to increase your visibility as a freelancer online.

Finally, continuously invest in upskilling, specializing your skills further, and providing more value over time so you can raise your rates.

The keys are having quality portfolio pieces, proactively applying to opportunities that fit you, delivering excellent work, and building positive client reviews. It takes sustained effort, but that's how you can start earning income as a freelancer online.


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