Key Takeaways
Google acknowledges AI chatbots make content that can affect search results.
Google says you can allow AI content but block parts from being indexed.
The rise of AI chatbots has caught Google Search's attention as more AI-generated content finds its way online.
Sometimes AI chatbots make content on their own. People who do not want Google to index this need to do something.
John Mueller from Google shared advice on Twitter. He suggested:

Use an iframe, which lets you put an external webpage within your own. Add noindex to the iframe to stop Google from indexing the content inside.
Use a JavaScript file linked to your chatbot. Add noindex to the file so Google does not index the content in it.
Use data-nosnippet. This stops Google from showing previews of your chatbot's responses in search results.
It's important to note that Mueller is not saying making your AI chatbot content findable on Google Search is bad. He is saying if you don't want that content indexed, you can use these methods to block it.
You may want to block Google from indexing your AI chatbot content for different reasons:
You don't want the chatbot output used in search results without permission.
You don't want Google to learn from the chatbot's conversations with users.
It's up to you if you want to block Google from indexing your AI chatbot content or not. But Mueller's advice can help if you decide to block it.