Aarush Sharma

Apr 19, 2024

How long should a Meta Title be for optimal performance in search results?

Shahid Maqbool

Answered on Apr 19, 2024

While there's no single magic number, here are some best practice guidelines I'd recommend:

In general, you'll want to aim for meta titles around 50-60 characters in length. Titles within this range tend to display nicely without being cut off by an ellipsis (...) in Google's desktop search results.

However, don't get too caught up in hitting an exact character count if it means sacrificing a quality, descriptive title. If your title is slightly longer at like 65 characters but makes coherent sense and includes your important keywords, that's better than an awkwardly trimmed 55-character version.

For mobile searches though, the space is much tighter, so you'll likely want to target more like 30-40 characters maximum to avoid cutting on smaller smartphone screens.

While character counts can provide a general guidepost, many SEOs actually recommend targeting titles around 600 pixels in length using a tool like PixelTools. This accounts for the different pixel widths of characters like "W" compared to "l".

No matter the precise length, a best practice is to front-load your titles with the most important, keyword-driven details, since any trimming happens at the end.

And of course, each page's title should be unique, free of duplication, and an accurate, compelling representation of the content to enhance relevance and drive clicks in the search results.

So in short - while that 50-60 character range is ideal for desktops, don't obsess over an exact number. A clear, brief title that follows guidelines and includes vitals like your target keyword is most important for optimal search performance. Quality and clarity first!


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