Rizwan Mahmood

Apr 16, 2024

How do I write SEO-friendly content?

Shahid Maqbool

Answered on Apr 16, 2024

Hello Rizwan! Writing content that is optimized for search engines while still being high-quality for readers is so important. Here are some tips:

First, do your keyword research upfront. Identify the main focus keyword you want each piece of content to target and rank for. Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner or Ubersuggest to find relevant keywords with good search volume.

Once you have your target keyword, be sure to include it in key on-page elements like the title, URL, header tags, image alt text, and of course throughout the body content itself. But avoid overstuffing - write naturally for humans first.

The content itself needs to be very high-quality - thorough, in-depth, and packed with detailed information and value for readers. Long-form content of 1,500+ words tends to get rewarded more in rankings than thin, short posts.

Use proper formatting like short paragraphs, subheadings, bulleted lists, and images/videos too. This improves scannability and keeps readers engaged.

Sprinkle in related keywords, synonyms and natural language variations beyond just the main focus keyword. This shows Google your full topical relevance around the subject.

Understand the searcher's intent behind your target queries and craft your content to satisfy that specific intent - whether informational, navigational, commercial, transactional, etc.

Finally, link out to other authoritative sources to build credibility, and internally link related content on your site to establish content topic clusters.


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